Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sometimes, You Just Start Something

You reach a certain age, I guess, and you figure it's time to start something. All too often this happens too late in life--I've seen it. My father, for example. I always figured he died before he got around to even half the things he wanted to start. I never held that against him, though, because he was the kind of man who just did what he had to do. Then, though, I think he forgot that he could do anything but work and raise children.

Me? I've started many things--novels, bookshelves, irrigation systems in my backyard....

Now, any of us can start something like this. I've seen this, too: trying to find a good name for this site, I found that my first two choices were in use, but neither of those sites had any content. Only things like "here's my first entry," and "this is a test post." And someone began those sites several years ago. I think about them as I type this, thinking that maybe they had something better to say than I do, that something must have gotten between them and their enthusiasm. Or, maybe they simply forgot they'd begun something. That happens to me, especially when it comes to writing: I'll come up with great first lines for poems when I'm driving home from work, then I'll forget everything by the time I pull into the garage, pet the dog on his head, and sit down to dinner.

This is another start; we'll see if I forget about it.

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