Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Working Man

What I thought about on October 23, 2009

Sometimes a problem with being the main bread-earner is that the bread grows stale. On the cusp of changing jobs, I look at the previous 9.5 years with my current employer and wonder at which point the bread there became less fresh.

What I think today

Whew, doggies!

Starting my third week in a new bakery, I'm wondering if I bit off more than I can chew. If my career is toast.... Okay, enough of that! These weeks have passed quickly, and I'm still trying to work my way through a morass of people, policy, and procedures. And while I have always enjoyed learning something new, I'd forgotten the feeling of being jolted out of a comfortable bed and coming to rest on pins and needles. Every day now is a challenge as I build relationships with new people and acquire different skills. Some fun, really!

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