Sunday, May 19, 2013

Little Bits of Things

This has been a year of almost nothing creative, with nearly all of my energy dedicated to the classroom. And the daytime job demands too much....what? I don't know: effort. Not to do the work, but to care about it. I'm older and crankier every day, more prone to missing things, more prone to both causing no small amount of frustration and tolerating less foolishness.

I'm hopeful, however, that things will change over the summer.  The collected "Call and Response" segments are gathering themselves into a small printed booklet. But, just as I miss things at work, I misplaced much of Kominski's sage advice and direction about how to do things. I'm on my own.

This, though, came to me during a bike ride a few days ago. It might not be the start of something, but at least it's not the end.
You want to think there is something afterward,
that the conversation will continue after the last
word you speak.

And you have started not just to remember
things but to replay them as though somehow
you will find different meaning in that afternoon

your father tried to teach you how to fight
and later your mother whispered to choose
your moments.

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