Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pins and Needles: Part 2

Well, well, well. With admirable expediency, my insurance company has informed me that, though my general physician referred me to an acupuncturist, my health plan does not cover acupuncture for me since I am not being treated for "pain and nausea as a result of chemotherapy, early pregnancy or post-operative procedures." Basically, Tina, the person who apparently replied to my query, simply quoted back what I'd written, though her use of punctuation is somewhat bothersome. I'm happy, though, because Tina closed her message with "Please be sure to take care!"


Looking through my health benefits documents, though, I do find some possible alternatives. For example, as part of my mental health coverage (which might be of more value than acupuncture), I could get "electro-convulsive treatment" on either an in-patient or an outpatient basis. I could also enjoy fairly generous treatment for substance abuse. But, since I'm in denial of my abuse of any substance, I'll have to ignore that one. Then, should I lose an arm, leg, ear, or other body part, or if I ever need an artificial face, replacement parts would be covered; I can even rent a prosthesis, if I need to, and then get reimbursed!

When I go back to see my doctor in a couple of months, I'm not sure of how I'll break the news to him, how I'll tell him that his referral is much too expensive for me. Perhaps he and I will figure something out--maybe narcotics, which seem much easier to obtain than actual treatment.

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